A MEDICAL product testing company hopes to tap into the US market following its success in the UK.

Sunderland-based CDx Ltd launched its revolutionary SensoCard Plus - a talking blood glucose meter designed for visually impaired diabetics - through an online shopping site in May.

The product is a small, compact meter that uses biosensor technology to measure blood glucose from a small blood sample, and then tells the customer the result and stores it in its memory.

Its presence on the n-e-shopping.com website, set up by the North-East regional web portal, has attracted a global market and the firm is now planning to launch the product in the US.

Managing director Bill Cunningham said: "When we first developed the SensoCard, we did not have the funds to build and maintain a website, and setting up a store for just one product would be impractical, so n-e-shopping.com provided the solution to our problem."

For more information, visit www.n-e-shopping.com or www. cdx.uk.com