Q Our son has just been awarded Disability Living Allowance (DLA) at the middle rate for care and the lower rate for mobility. Will this affect the child support payments he has to make and can either my wife or I claim Carer's Allowance for looking after him?

A The CSA will ignore all parts of DLA when assessing his maintenance payments. They have a general advice line on 08457 133133. Either of you can claim Carer's Allowance, provided you give care of 35 hours a week and earn under £82 a week net.

Q I am aged 40 and live with my parents, receiving Incapacity Benefit of £92.50 a week and a works pension of £140.31 a month. If I moved into rented accommodation by myself, what financial assistance could I expect?

A You would qualify for Council Tax Benefit that would reduce your liability to about £464 a year. You would also get Housing Benefit, which could reduce your basic rent to as little as £29 a week. However, before you commit yourself to a property, ask the council for a pre-tenancy determination to get a firm idea of how much they would allow.

Q As I am 62 and my weekly income totals £135, I have my Council Tax reduced to £348.63 a year. I pay mortgage endowment policies and service charges of £262.72 a month. Could I claim anything else?

A Mortgage interest and certain service charges are taken into account for Pension Credit so it might be worthwhile claiming that. It would mean you had no Council Tax to pay.

Q As I am coming up to 60, I will have to come off Income Support (IS). Should I claim Pension Credit or should my wife, who is 58 and on DLA, claim IS?

A Where there is a choice, claim Pension Credit because the rules about savings are more generous. You might not get any more than if your wife claimed IS, but you will not get any less.