RESIDENTS in Ryedale have a month left to comment on plans to provide housing, jobs and transport facilities in the area.

They have until September 8 to make their feelings known on a 15-year core strategy for the district.

The project looks at development needs and the types of projects and investments that are planned to make the changes happen.

It will look at providing new housing, employment and transport facilities, together with improvements to town centres and how to protect Ryedale's historic and environmental qualities.

Detailed plans will be published in autumn next year.

They will focus on developments in the district's market towns, particularly Malton and Norton, and in some of the larger villages to help strengthen services provided there.

Julian Rudd, forward planning manager at Ryedale District Council, said: "It is a key document for anyone who has an interest in the development and use of land in Ryedale, or for those who are simply interested in how the district may change in the future."

The council is also consulting on a statement of community involvement, which sets out how and when people can become involved in decisions on planning applications and how they can contribute to the Ryedale local development framework.

Copies of the documents are available at council offices in Malton, and at the area offices and local libraries.