A PSYCHOPATH jailed for life for stabbing a young North-East mother to death 25 years ago has killed again.

John Nixon was yesterday given a second life sentence after pleading guilty to murdering a prostitute who visited him at his Northampton flat last March.

Last night, a North-East victims' group expressed sympathy for the families of Nixon's victims and said: "Life should mean life."

The 46-year-old was released on licence four years ago after serving 21 years and four months of a life sentence for the manslaughter of Barbara Lane, in New Brancepeth, Durham, in September 1979.

Alcoholic Nixon stabbed 28-year-old Mrs Lane 13 times in the face, neck and arms, and left her lying in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor of her home in Walton Terrace.

Mrs Lane, whose son was asleep upstairs, thought it was her husband returning from nightshift when Nixon knocked on the door.

He demanded money and dragged her into the kitchen. When she screamed, he attacked her with a knife.

After his arrest, Nixon told police: "I wanted to get some money for drink. It's funny what you will do for drink."

Nixon was originally charged with murder, but the prosecution accepted his plea of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility after the court heard of his alcoholic and psychopathic background.

Nixon was said in a doctor's report to suffer from fear, anger, grave tension and possibly sexual excitement.

Sentencing him to life imprisonment, Mr Justice Jupp said at the time: "You are ill, it is perfectly clear.

"When you will be safe to be let out must be for those in charge of you in prison, particularly the medical men, to decide."

Nixon's latest victim was 23-year-old Carolyn Porter, a drug abuser who worked as a prostitute in Northampton.

Northampton Crown Court heard yesterday that Nixon, one of her regular clients, called her on March 30 and she arrived at his flat late in the evening.

Just after midnight, he dialled 999, telling police he had murdered his girlfriend.

Police found the body of Miss Porter clutching a carving knife in her right hand. Nixon was semi-conscious with a wound to his arm.

Nick Dean, prosecuting, said the weapon had been placed in her hand by Nixon in a move to pretend he was the victim. Miss Porter had 50 stab wounds on various parts of her body in what was described as a persistent, frenzied attack.

Judge Charles Wide passed a life sentence on Nixon, telling him that the earliest release date would be 25 years, but it was likely that he would never be freed.

The Judge said: "You were released four years ago in the belief that it was safe for you to return to the community.

"You were not safe to be in the community, but I make no criticism of the decision to release you because you are a liar and manipulative."

David Hines, chairman of the North of England Victims' Association, said last night: "We have campaigned for a long time over many years for a life sentence to mean life.

"We have repeatedly told the Government and the parole board that we can't afford to make mistakes.

"But here is an example where a man has supposedly been rehabilitated - and he's done it again."