A SINGLE mother has abandoned her 15-year-old daughter and flown to Turkey to start a new life in the sun with her holiday romance boy-friend.

The teenager did not know that her mother had gone - until she arrived home from school to find she had been left £25 to live on.

Elaine Walker had handed her notice in at work and notified the housing association from which she rented her house that she would not be back.

Now police and social services are investigating the case of the missing mother-of-four.

Miss Walker, from Redmire, near Leyburn, North Yorkshire, flew to the holiday resort of Antalya, with her oldest daughter, 17-year-old Stacey, just over two weeks ago.

Friends say Miss Walker, who also has two adult children, met a Turkish man called Al while holidaying there in June. It is understood Stacey also found a boyfriend during the trip.

Last night, her 15-year-old daughter, Laura, was staying with the family of a school friend. She was too upset to talk yesterday.

Villagers and friends of Miss Walker, who is originally from Stockton, last night told of their shock and disgust.

Sharon Fleetham, from Redmire, used to socialise with Miss Walker.

She said: "I think its appalling what she's done to poor Laura.

"She's putting on a brave face but deep down she's hurting really badly.

"Everyone in the village is absolutely disgusted - it's just so selfish to leave her like that."

Mrs Fleetham and others in the close-knit Yorkshire Dales village have offered their support to the teenager.

Another friend said: "Laura returned home from school to find her mother and older sister gone.

"She had been left just £25 - what kind of a person would do that?"

A neighbour added: "People are really shocked. They thought they knew her and now they feel very let down.

"The house is like the ghost ship the Mary Celeste - there's clothes pegs still on the washing line and a lawnmower in the shed."

The locks on the mother's rented terraced house have been changed and the blinds had been drawn yesterday.

Miss Walker worked for cosmetics company Avon. She also cleaned holiday cottages and worked in two local pubs.

Police and social services were alerted by Miss Walker's former boyfriend.

Derek Law, corporate director for social services with North Yorkshire County Council, said: "We can confirm that we are working with the police on this case to try to resolve it in a satisfactory way. As in all cases, the security and safety of this child is our priority."

A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said: "We are aware of the case.

"The welfare of the girl is a matter for social services with whom we are working very closely.

"The police are investigating the circumstances but it's too early to say what action, if any, will be taken."

Laura's father is understood to live in County Durham and efforts are now being made to trace him.