AN alcoholic who attacked a man he believed took photographs of his naked sister while she was asleep has been jailed.

Anthony Moroney snapped after he was goaded over claims Richard Sutton had taken pictures of Moroney's sister, who has since died.

Teesside Crown Court heard he launched a sustained attack on the 36-year-old, who was described as vulnerable, while he was drinking at the victim's flat in Roseberry Road, Redcar, east Cleveland, with his girlfriend, Gemma Nichols.

Mr Sutton's house had been daubed with the word "pervert" in graffiti, and he had his windows smashed prior to the attack.

Paul Cleasby, prosecuting, said Moroney had been drinking strong cider and became angry when the allegation was discussed.

He said: "After half an hour, the mood changed and became aggressive.

"Mr Sutton was lying on the bed and the defendant punched him to the head. It was a sustained assault.

"Mr Sutton was able to get to his feet and attempted to bite the arm of the defendant to effect his escape."

The court heard Mr Sutton set off an alarm and Moroney and Miss Nichols fled.

The incident was reported to the police after a friend of Mr Sutton's became concerned about his injuries and blood stains on the walls and door.

When arrested, 41-year-old Moroney, of Newton Road, Redcar, east Cleveland, denied the attack, but a DNA sample taken from his clothes revealed it was the victim's blood.

Mike Bosomworth, for Moroney, said the allegations had upset him.

In interview, Mr Sutton said Miss Nichols repeatedly talked about the accusation until Moroney "flipped".

Mr Bosomworth said: "She was egging him on, making comments. She joined in and smashed a cup over his head.

"Mr Moroney is a drunk and those he associates with are drunks. He has been drinking to excess lately because of his sister."

Judge Les Spittle told Moroney, who pleaded guilty to assault, he was jailing him for eight months.

He said: "It must have been a very frightening experience."