MOTORISTS who park illegally around Darlington Football Club's stadium will now face on-the-spot fines, police have confirmed.

Vehicles lining the grass verges along the A66 bypass and nearby country roads have been a cause for concern since the Neasham Road venue was opened two years ago.

No waiting signs, double yellow lines and clear way signs were erected by the Highways Agency, but a delay in processing paperwork meant they could not be enforced.

But police have now announced that the regulations can be backed up by penalties.

Motorists flouting the law will face £50 fines and parking in A66 laybys will be restricted to one hour.

A Durham Police spokesman said: "Any vehicle found parking there (on the A66) will be dealt with accordingly, through the issue of a fixed penalty notice.

"The restrictions are there for a reason and there for the safety of spectators, as well as the travelling public."