A MAN who supplied heroin to undercover police because he believed they were addicts has been jailed.

Peter McGreedy took the officers to his dealer and bought two wraps of heroin for them for £10.

Teesside Crown Court heard the 27-year-old had met the police officers at a drop-in centre in Neasham Road, Stockton, in July and thought they were also addicts.

He offered to find them accommodation and said he had a blow-up bed they could sleep on.

Nigel Soppitt, in mitigation, said: "He felt sorry for them and thought they were in a similar plight to him.

"He was going to score some drugs himself and they asked to go along with him."

The court heard McGreedy had even asked the men if they were police when they went to buy drugs in July in Stockton town centre.

Judge Les Spittle, jailing him for nine months, said: "The courts will crack down on people who are involved with Class A drugs."

McGreedy, of Letitia House, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to supplying heroin.