A SELF-CONFESSED alcoholic has promised to stay out of trouble after pleading guilty to breaching an anti-social behaviour order (Asbo).

Joseph Hope, of Wordsworth Close, Darlington, admitted making nuisance 999 calls when he appeared before South Durham magistrates in Darlington yesterday. The calls were made in April last year when the 45-year-old was living in Crook.

The calls were a breach of his Asbo, which he was made the subject of in November 2002, after neighbours had complained about his anti-social behaviour, much of which was caused by his heavy drinking.

Laura Saunders-Jerrom, mitigating, told the court that Hope felt he was being victimised by a gang of people who lived nearby and was concerned for his safety.

He called the police to say he believed he was going to be harassed by the gang, but when officers arrived they did not see anything to suggest they were needed.

Mrs Saunders-Jerrom said: "He feels he was being targeted to a terrifying degree.

"It was clear from listening to the police tapes that he had been drinking when he made the calls and this will have clouded his logic.

"He has started to turn his life around.

"He has moved from Crook and is happy in his new home. He has also started to address his alcohol problem and has been dry since last week.

"This may not seem a great deal to most people, but it will feel like six months to an alcoholic. He assures me he will be staying out of trouble."

Magistrate Christine Selby told Hope: "The offences you have committed are serious enough for a custodial sentence.

"However, we have listened to your solicitor and believe you will stay out of trouble and we will not be seeing you again."

Hope was ordered to pay a £50 fine.