THOUSANDS of rock fans will be urged to help police and join the hunt for missing teenager Jenny Nicholl today and tomorrow

Officers will mingle with crowds at the annual Richmond Live music festival, in North Yorkshire, seeking help in finding the 19-year-old, who has not been seen since June 30.

The event takes place on the Batts and starts tonight with a battle of the bands, from 6pm to 11pm.

It continues tomorrow with bands and musicians from 11am to midnight.

Detective Inspector Pete Martin said: "Our thinking is that Jenny has a lot in common with the young people attending Richmond Live

"Like them, she is involved in local live music and, like them, she loves rock, so we believe that if anyone has had a message from her, it might well be one of them.

"It may be that someone has heard from Jenny, but is staying silent out of loyalty.

"I understand that, but I am asking them to just give me that one piece of information we need to end weeks of pain and anxiety for her parents and friends."

Jenny is 5ft 6in, slim, with green eyes, fresh complexion and fair, shoulder-length hair that she likes to wear in a ponytail.