A TOWN is preparing for a big birthday party.

Tomorrow marks the 150th anniversary of the first strike of ironstone in the hills above Eston, near Middlesbrough, on June 8, 1850.

Clad as miners and complete with miners' lamps about 125 singing children from Whale Hill and Bankfields Primary Schools, will parade into the square at Eston.

Their anniversary tribute has been specially scripted for the occasion by teacher Jim Barry.

There will be an exhihition of photographs and memorabilia opened in the afternoon followed by a musical celebration.

The festival, which will include a family fun day complete with side shows and a band, on Sunday June 11, has been organised by Eston Residents' Association. Association spokeswoman Ann Higgins said: "This was the beginning of the industrialisation of this area."

The two days of celebrations is the town's tribute to Eston's men of iron.

The association has won sponsorship from Cleveland Potash, the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, Huntsman, ICI, Corus and local people and clubs.