CADET Sgt Mark Forster of the Dormanstown Green Howards detachment of the Cleveland army cadet force, has been selected by the regular army to represent the Army Football Association youth team on its tour of Scotland in July.

The 16-year-old student at Laurence Jackson school, Guisborough, is the only army cadet selected. The rest of the 34-strong squad is regular army junior soldiers. This will be the tenth time he has been selected.

Football coach, Staff Sgt Steve Eyre, said, "I am delighted for Mark. He is an excellent footballer and splendid goalkeeper and this is a golden opportunity for him.

"The opposition is tough but he is obviously up to the challenge. He has done brilliantly to get this far already."

Cleveland army cadet force is looking for cadets to train for next season and adults to train them. No experience is necessary as training will be given. For further details, ring Maj Andy Shaw on (01642) 242414 ext 21.