A TINY congregation of an East Cleveland church is facing a monumental challenge to raise thousands of pounds for repairs.

The congregation of about 30 people at St Helen's Church at Carlin How has to find £6,000 to carry out vital work to the church steeple.

The church celebrates its centenary next year. Stan Downs, secretary of the Parochial Church Council, said this makes it difficult for the church to attract grants and funding.

"If you are not a listed building or an historic building then they don't want to know," he said.

"All we thought that the steeple needed was a regular coat of wood preserver to keep it okay, but the last architects' report said several bits are loose and nails are leaving the wood."

Appeals have been put out to local businesses and firms in the area but the money is trickling in - at the moment there is less than £300 in the kitty.

"We thought the appeal would attract people who felt nostalgic about the church," Mr Downs said.

Other fundraising efforts have included a cake stall at Grinkle Park Rhododendron Sunday last weekend and a coffee morning at Carlin How Jubilee Hall on Saturday, July 1,at 10am.