TWO Teesside youngsters are following in the footsteps of some of Middlesbrough Football Club's biggest stars - by winning a special prize from the club.

Jessica Hughes, from Teesville, and Andrew Ruddock, from Normanby, both aged nine, are members of Middlesbrough Football Community Centre, in Eston, and have won the David Bingham Memorial Trophy.

The silver cup is a reward for the pair's excellent attitude, attendance and levels of participation in football.

The trophy is a memorial to solicitor and Boro supporter David Bingham, who was killed in a car accident in 1991. The trophy used to be presented to the Boro's Player of the Year, and past winners include Stephen Pears, John Hendrie and Nigel Pearson.

Danny Horsman, deputy manager at the centre, said: "The winners of this award have beaten off competition from more than 300 other youngsters.

"The trophy is presented to members who have shown good behaviour and social skills and a high level of participation."

The award was presented by David's sister, Christine Newton, and coaches from the centre.