Cleveland police officer Detective Superintendent Ray Mallon is to give his first public speech since his controversial suspension from duty.

The pioneer of zero tolerance policing in Cleveland was suspended from duty in December 1997 as part of the ongoing Operation Lancet inquiry.

Mr Mallon has agreed to be the guest speaker at a charity dinner to raise funds for Stockton's Butterwick Children's Hospice.

He will be giving a talk and taking questions at a five-course dinner at the Hall Garth Country House Hotel near Darlington, on July 13.

Other speakers will be joining Mr Mallon on the evening, to give their services for free in an attempt to raise £4,000 for the hospice.

And the Hall Garth is joining in the spirit of the event by providing the venue and food free of charge and staff have donated their services for the evening.

Mr Mallon said: "Since my suspension, I have had to turn down many requests to speak in public, but I could not turn down the Butterwick Children's Hospice.

"The children's hospice is a very worthy cause and one which I know many people in the North-East have supported."

Ray Laidler, fundraising coordinator for the charity, said: "We are delighted Mr Mallon has agreed to speak for us. I am sure many people on Teesside have questions they would like to ask him. Now they have the chance to do just that and help the hospice as well."

Dorothy Sewell, one of Mr Mallon's biggest supporters, said: "It is just what he is like. He is charitable and he is a good man and it would be an ideal venue for him to speak at. I hope a lot of people will go because he is a very interesting speaker and he is a man who can talk and you will listen and be interested.

"I hope he can raise a lot of money for the children at this event."

The hospice is the only children's hospice in the North-East and has a four-bed unit offering care of the highest quality to children who are terminally ill.

It also offers respite help to parents of terminally-ill children.

Tickets for the event cost £20 each and are available by telephoning Mr Laidler on (01642) 624231.