A mother is furious after discovering paracetamol tablets in a balloon bought for her children.

Now a shopkeeper may face prosecution after selling one of the children's balloons, which usually contain sweets.

The woman found that the balloon, which had been bought for her children, actually had five paracetamol tablets inside.

The balloon was bought from the O'Donovan General Store, in the Hart Lane area of Hartlepool, Teesside.

Trading standards officers have issued a warning to people who may have bought one, to check the contents of the balloons.

The mum, who discovered the tablets in a balloon bought for her 20-month-old twins, was furious with the find.

The woman, who does not wish to be named, said: "If my kids had got hold of them it could have killed them."

Shop owner, Sean O'Donovan, 30, admitted the mistake and said the pills had been put into balloons to create a rattle without thought of the danger.

Hartlepool Trading Standards chiefs said they hoped all the balloons sold from the shop - four of which are believed to have contained the drug - have now been recovered.

Trading standards manager Michael Welsh said the shopkeeper had been very helpful in cooperating but may still face prosecution.