THREE restored bells at St Mary's Church, Middleton-in-Teesdale, are to be rededicated by the Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Michael Turnbull.

The bells will be blessed at a service on Sunday, June 18, at 3pm.

Rector at the church, the Reverend John Clark, said: "All are welcome to attend on this very happy occasion."

In April 1998 an appeal to renovate the bells was launched by a crowd of people parading through the town, making as much noise as they could by bashing every size and sort of bell they could find.

The detached belfry at St Mary's Church is reputed to date from 1558 and its style is rare in this country.

The smallest bell remains in its original state, with an inscription, and dated 1557. The two other bells were previously re-cast, one in 1697, the other in 1780.

Now the bell house structure has been made safe, the bell frame repaired and the three bells repaired, retuned and rehung.

Teams of three ringers are being recruited and trained so the bells can be rung each Sunday and on special occasions.

Mr Clark said: "Fundraising for the restoration project has been a real community effort.

"We were fortunate to receive quite a large grant from the European Objective 5b Programme and several grants from trusts, but a huge effort was made locally through coffee mornings, concerts, the collection of 5p pieces and we are very grateful to all those people who contributed in any way."