WILLIAM Hague appeared to become the second party leader in a week to suffer a handbagging by the Women's Institute - but last night he insisted: "It was all a joke."

The Tory party leader was the guest of honour at the Great Ayton Millennium Fete, near Guisborough, at the weekend.

Mr Hague, who arrived at the fete in a helicopter, accepted an invitation by Sue Patterson, president of Great Ayton WI, to board their float and was apparently slow-handclapped for his trouble.

Mrs Patterson, a WI stalwart who attended the Wembley conference which saw Tony Blair barracked, said afterwards: "What's good enough for one is good enough for the other."

However, she insisted Mr Hague had not felt the full wrath of her members and the slow-handclapping had been good natured.

Mr Hague even insisted he had started the whole thing. His spokesman said: "It was all a joke. In fact, William started it all by clapping first. He thought it was a great joke."

Mr Hague, who is MP for Richmond, added: "Myself and Ffion had enormous fun at the village fete and the WI took our joke in great spirits. It was wonderful to meet them."

However, one showgoer said: "It certainly looked as though he was being slow-handclapped, just like Tony Blair. A lot of people may have missed the joke."

Meanwhile, Tony Blair has been invited back to address the WI next year. His spokesman said: "We're thinking about it."

The Prime Minister was barracked at the WI conference by members who thought his speech was too "political".

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