A SERIES of consultation events aimed at regenerating a community have been launched.

Residents of North Sunderland are being asked to form the agenda for their area in bold proposals to boost its fortunes.

The first step is to create an organisation that will help to shape the future of Town End Farm, Hylton Red House, Hylton Castle, Castletown, Downhill, Southwick and Marley Pots, among other places.

The North Side Initiative will be formed from residents and organisations in the area, who will meet through a series of consultation events during the next month.

While local organisations have added their support to the initiative - with funding from Sunderland City Council and the Banks of the Wear Housing Association - Sunderland North Area Committee has been the driving force behind the move.

Area committee chairman, Councillor Leslie Mann, said: "This is our first step in building organisations for our area.

"We hope as many residents as possible will come to the consultation events to say what needs doing across the area."