POLICE believe children have stolen dangerous explosives from a signal box.

Ten track detonators were stolen from the signal box at Shildon over Saturday night and Sunday morning. Police think they were stolen by youths who may be unaware of the dangers of the equipment.

PC Pete Walker from British Transport Police said: "They broke in by smashing the window on the front of the box.

"We believe it's children because of the way they messed around inside and because they stole the signal man's fizzy drink from the fridge. They probably don't realise how dangerous they are. The detonators are safe to handle but they could be set off if crushed."

The explosives are used to alert train drivers to dangers. They are attached to the track and explode when a train passes over them, causing the driver to stop.

Sgt Dave Wilkes from Shildon police said: "They are extremely dangerous. Our concerns are somebody could lose an arm if they set them off."

The explosives have two lead straps either side of a 2in yellow cap and look similar to a wrist watch when laid flat. If anyone has any information they should ring Shildon police on (01388) 772606 or British Transport Police on (01325) 380717.