AN ANGRY motorist's bid to remonstrate with a North Yorkshire driver after a minor collision ended with him being carried along on the man's car bonnet.

Trevor Thompson saw red when a BMW clipped the offside corner of his Nissan Micra as it overtook approaching traffic lights in Cockton Hill Road, Bishop Auckland.

Durham Crown Court was told Mr Thompson got out of the Micra at the lights and approached the BMW, banging on driver John Nicholson's door.

Penny Moreland, prosecuting, said Mr Thompson tried unsuccessfully to open the door, then climbed on to the car bonnet, taking hold of a windscreen wiper.

Nicholson pulled away, swerving from side to side to dislodge Mr Thompson, who fell on to the road, breaking a bone in his heel.

Nicholson, 39, of Grindstone Garth, Dalton, near Richmond, admitted careless driving.

Tim Hewitt, mitigating, said Nicholson accepts he "may have clipped" Mr Thompson's car, but he carried on, unaware of it.

When Mr Thompson climbed on to the bonnet, he said Nicholson was panic-stricken and pulled away, but at no great speed.

"He swerved and braked, causing Mr Thompson to fall off the bonnet. He was so shocked at what happened he went to the doctors."

Mr Hewitt said Nicholson was of previous good character, with a clean driving record.

Fining him £100, with £100 costs, Judge Denis Orde said Nicholson's actions were "foolish" as he could have caused Mr Thompson serious injury.