LANDOWNERS have backed calls to keep regional Ministry of Agriculture offices open in the face of the threat of closure.

The Government is looking at closing some centres, including the newly-opened Northallerton office, to save money.

The Country Landowners Association has thrown its weight behind a campaign to retain the offices.

Dorothy Fairburn, CLA Yorkshire director, told a House of Commons committee that farmers needed to be able to speak to officials in person, instead of through a call centre.

She said: "If we are to have a bureaucracy to help farmers it must be close to where they work, and easily accessible. The ministry should retain its bases near its customers - mainly farmers.

"At this time, it is more important than ever for farmers to have local contact with the people who can help them. To be effective, farmers need to be able to have face-to-face contact."

She said there was a danger that a reliance on computers would move too quickly for some small farmers, who might not have the equipment or the skills to keep up without help.