ONE of North Yorkshire's most famous museums is forging links with counterparts across the world.

Tony Wijgergangs, part-time curator of the Veterinary Museum of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, visited the World of James Herriot Museum, in Thirsk, last week.

He took the chance to view the centre's range of displays, and officials are hoping his visit will pave the way for more international connections.

Manager of the Herriot Centre, Anne Keville, said she first made contact with Dr Wijgergangs while promoting Herriot Country at the World Port Festival in Rotterdam last year.

"I visited the museum, which is in the Museum of Utrecht, to see how the artefacts are displayed and cared for," she said.

"The collections there are so vast not all of them can be displayed. We hope that if the Herriot Centre is successful in its application for registered museum status we may be able to loan some of the collection in the future."