WORK on the new entrance to Darlington Memorial Hospital is due to start this week.

The £250,000 scheme, which has been funded through NHS modernisation money, will be completed by the end of August.

The new reception, foyer and waiting area will be sited at the accident and emergency entrance and separate access to the department will improve patient privacy.

A staffed information area, with touch-screen facilities will also be provided, enabling visitors to have access to the latest information about the hospital and its services.

The cashier's office, volunteers' reception desk and WRVS shop will also be in the new reception area.

While the building work is going on disruption will be kept to a minimum, but there will be no access to the main hospital block from the accident and emergency entrance. Staff and visitors are asked to use the "C" entrance, and signposting for alternative routes will be in place.

John Saxby, chief executive of South Durham Health Care NHS Trust, said: "This is yet another project in our extensive modernisation programme. The new entrance will greatly improve access to the hospital and the reception area will be a focal point for visitors, providing readily available information about our services."