COMMUNITY police in north-west Durham appealed yesterday to shopkeepers to join a thief watch scheme which is netting them daily arrests.

About 30 shops in Consett and another 30 in Stanley are members of the Shop Theft Awareness Monitoring Programme (Stamp), which started 18 months ago.

Police said they were overjoyed at the success of the scheme, although no statistics for the number of arrests were available. Now they are appealing to bigger retailers, who have so far been reluctant to join.

Through the scheme, shopkeepers and town centre PCs Barbara Powell and Neil Fawcett are linked by radio. They are also in contact with Project Genesis staff who monitor CCTV systems in both town centres.

Speaking yesterday afternoon, community safety officer Sergeant David Scott said someone had just been arrested for stealing a vacuum cleaner thanks to the scheme.

He said: "Some of the bigger retailers have been slow to express any interest.

"A number of the names you would think would be right behind it have been distinctly lukewarm.

"The scheme sends out a clear message to shoplifters, especially those from outside our area, that Derwentside is not a soft touch for thieves."

Sgt Scott cited the recent successful prosecution of two women from Bensham, near Gateshead, who were arrested as a result of the scheme.

The women stole a large quantity of children's clothing from McKays store, in Consett, as well as goods from the nearby Woolworths shop.

In a separate case, a 35-year-old man, also from Gateshead, was arrested as he stole goods from the town.

In both cases, CCTV staff tracked the suspects for the few minutes it took for police to arrive, after they were alerted by shop staff.

All three admitted the offences. The first woman, aged 37, was given a suspended two-month prison sentence, while her 21-year-old accomplice was given 12 months probation and ordered to pay £50 costs.

The man was fined £125 with £118 costs.

Retailers interested in becoming part of the Stamp initiative should contact Sgt Scott at Consett police station on (01207) 504204. The scheme's annual subscription is £10