A PILOT scheme set up on Teesside to help housing cooperatives share experience and adopt best practices has proved so successful that members are to create a formal group.

Teesside Co-op Links was launched a year ago by the Endeavour Housing Association after one of the three cooperatives with which it works suggested the need for a forum, where operating practices could be compared.

Twelve months on, and having met on a bi-monthly basis, Teesside Co-op Links members have decided to formalise the structure of the group by forming an elected committee and adopting a constitution.

Its first annual meeting will be at the Royal Naval Club, in Williams Street, Stockton, next Tuesday, at 7.15pm.

Jayne Soppitt, special initiatives officer for Endeavour Housing Association, said: "When the group was set up, there was a great deal of enthusiasm, but no one was sure how beneficial the forum would be. But it has met regularly and has grown in strength."