WOMEN in Hartlepool are being invited to boost their confidence and build their assertiveness.

A short course, aimed at lone parents and those returning to work from the town's Headland, will help women increase their self-esteem, so they are better able to cope with life and feel encouraged to explore new avenues of opportunities.

The course is being run by the town's Opportunities for Women project.

Group coordinator Vanda Capaldi said: "Feeling confident and assertive is vital to anyone's success, and it is doubly important for women who are lone parents, or who are perhaps trying to return to work after a long absence.

"This course is being run by women exclusively for women. The atmosphere will be friendly and welcoming, so no one should feel apprehensive about attending."

The course, which will take place on The Headland, is free to women living there, within the North Hartlepool Partnership area. A free creche can be provided.

The first session starts next Tuesday, from 9.30am to 11am, although the venue has yet to be confirmed. The aim is to run the course for several weeks on a weekday morning, during school hours.

There will be the option for the course to start again in September, after the end of the school holidays.

Anyone interested can obtain an application form from Vanda on (01429) 523513.