A NORTH-EAST policeman was presented with a national award yesterday for saving the life of a man who had tried to hang himself.

Rookie constable Martin McArdle, was officially honoured by the St John Ambulance at a special ceremony in Easington District Council's offices.

Council chairman Bill Peardon praised the Peterlee officer for his quick-witted actions.

PC McArdle had been off duty and walking near his home at Norton, near Stockton, last August, when he heard screams coming from outside one of the neighbouring houses.

When he reached the scene the officer found a 32-year-old man with a home-made noose around his neck, hanging from a pipe.

The probationer officer, who had been with the force less than a year, cut the rope from the man's neck and placed him in the recovery position. The man started breathing and was taken to hospital where he made a full physical recovery.

It was later revealed the man had put the noose around his neck and jumped from a 6ft fence after a domestic row.

Speaking at the time of the incident, the Easington Police divisional commander, Superintendent Alan Saddler, said: "If it were not for the prompt actions of PC McArdle, the man would have undoubtedly died. He handled the situation with confidence and a maturity beyond his length of service and fully deserves this recognition from the St John Ambulance."