The producer of a new Tyne Tees Television programme which shows a man having his penis pierced says he didn't set out to shock viewers.

The seven-part series Body Beautiful includes an explicit scene in which a 21-year-old County Durham man is seen having a Prince Albert piercing in his penis.

"I have not see this particular piercing before on television although there was a programme which showed a clitoris being pierced," said Derek Proud.

"It was a very courageous thing for the man to do. He was a little concerned about what his mother would think but he's open and honest about the piercing - and brave enough to have the cameras there when it was being done."

The series, which will be shown late at night next month, explores how people can alter their bodies and why they do it. Tattooing, piercing, cosmetic surgery, scarification and sex change operations are featured.

"I didn't set out to shock. What I wanted to do was make people think about why people have these things done. I hope they can listen to what the people say and at the end have a clear understanding of why they do it," said Mr Proud.

"They will be amazed by some of the things they see but I don't think they will be repelled by anything. They will find these people have genuine reasons for having these things done."

In one programme Frances Bignall, of Darlington, talks about having teflon beads implanted under the skin on her forearm. "After talking to the producer it seemed as though he wanted to do something positive on the subject which isn't done that often in the media," she said.

The series also features a Teesside man who went to America to have his legs branded, a 69-year-old man with 60 piercings in his genitals and Elaine, the most pierced person in the world with 500 bars and rings in her body.

l Body Beautiful begins on Tyne Tees on July 24.