COUNCILLORS plans to solve their identity crisis by cutting down on the logos they use.

Durham County Council currently uses more than 55 logos, mostly variations on the county crest.

Some are used by different council departments and others promote specific projects or facilities such as the DLI Museum and Art Gallery.

But senior officials fear that the wide range of designs is hampering efforts to raise awareness of the council's work.

Now the number of logos will be reduced to 32 and will be based around the main image used by the council.

The authority's chief executive, Kingsley Smith, told the executive committee: "Currently we have a hotch-potch of logos and identities. We use several versions of the county council logo, many of which are inaccurate.

"A number of departments have also introduced numerous other logos to reflect different services, initiatives and parts of the organisation.

"Also, the quality of some of our logos is poor. They reflect poorly on the organisation as a whole and do not help us to communicate effectively."

The new designs will be introduced as stocks of things like letterheads are replaced. The council expects to make savings by having fewer logos.