A MULTI-MILLION pound cash boost to transform the lives of thousands of families in one of the North-East's most deprived areas has moved a stage closer.

Hartlepool's initial bid for a share of the Government's £800m New Deal for Communities regeneration project has been given the go-ahead for the next stage of the funding selection process.

Hartlepool was one of only 22 towns and cities invited to apply for money through the New Deal for Communities project, which aims to tackle deprivation in the country's poorest communities.

Tens of millions of pounds could be available for a range of improvement schemes during ten years in Hartlepool's west and central area, covering 4,500 homes.

The involvement of residents has been a big element of the bid for the New Deal money. Hundreds of people have been asked for their views on what is most important for improvement.

Bob Farrow, Belle View Sports and Youth Community Centre manager, has played a leading role in preparing the bid. He said: "My immediate feeling is one of elation. This is a chance the people of Hartlepool are never likely to get again.

"So much hard work has gone into preparing this bid and it is nice to see it starting to pay dividends. I'm also pleased residents are being listened to and the improvements are what people really want."

Council leader Councillor Arthur Preece said: "This is very welcome news for the town and represents a massive chance to improve life for thousands of people."

Peter Scott, of the regeneration team, said: "Residents, service providers and employers will now prepare a plan to improve the well-being of the New Deal area."

The New Deal area stretches south along Hart Lane, along the west side of the town and includes Belle Vue and part of Oxford Road, the town centre and Longhill Industrial Estate.