A TOWN that has been plagued by vandals has been promised action to put it back on the right track.

Residents of Guisborough have complained repeatedly about attacks by thugs on their homes and property.

Last month, police patrols in the area were stepped up after elderly residents said they were being terrorised by hooligans firing air rifles at their homes.

In response to these complaints and other concerns about the future of the town, the leader of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, David Walsh, has announced a series of measures.

He said: "It is important to us that historic market towns like Guisborough are able to successfully promote themselves as centres for shopping and tourism.

"We need to find out what local groups in Guisborough expect from the borough in delivering this goal."

He added that the council is committed to moving its Cargo Fleet offices to a site in the town and said: "That would in itself have an important role in underpinning the retail health of the town through the transfer of several hundred staff who would be able to shop in the town.

"I also want to try and mobilise support for the concept of bringing rail services back to the town," he added.

The council is also hoping to start initiatives to tackle litter, dirt and graffiti and is looking to set up new community safety teams to tackle vandalism and social disorder at a street level.

Coun Walsh made his comments at a meeting of Guisborough Pride, a self-help community group set up to try to tackle the problems in the town.

Doreen Myers, of Guisborough Pride, said: "It would be wonderful if all these things did happen.

"We are all trying to work together to help the area, and the council's proposals could be part of that."