THE boyfriend of Julie Paterson - whose torso was found in a bin-liner - was a step closer last night to confronting the man who dismembered her body.

Alan Taylor's hopes were lifted by a letter from the governor of Wakefield Prison, where cannibal killer David Harker is serving a life sentence.

He wrote to the Prison Service last month asking for a meeting with Harker to try and find out where the remains of his girlfriend are hidden.

Just over two years ago Julie, 31, fell prey to Harker, dubbed the cannibal killer after he claimed he ate part of her body.

Her torso was found in a garden in Darlington's Polam Lane, in May 1998.

But Harker, 24, who is serving an indeterminate life sentence for her manslaughter, still refuses to reveal where he disposed of her head and limbs.

The letter from Wakefield governor David Shaw is sympathetic and sensitive, and does not rule out a meeting in the future.

It says: "I cannot begin to understand how you and your family feel. I do however appreciate that you will need to draw a line under this tragic event in order that your lives can hopefully start again.

"I would not rule out the potential for your request to be facilitated at some stage in the future."

He also says the way forward for Mr Taylor could be to be put in touch with Darlington Probation Service, which has a victim offending unit. These are designed to help and support victims of crime through situations such as his.

The governor says: "In the meantime I trust that the support you will get will start the healing process."

Mr Taylor, of Greenbank Road, Darlington, said: "It's reassuring to know that they have taken my request seriously and I have received a personal reply from the governor at Wakefield Prison.

"They say they haven't ruled out my request and have advised me to contact the victim offending unit.

"It's encouraging that the governor himself hasn't ruled out a meeting with Harker, and I hope the victim offending unit will be able to point me in the right direction."

Mr Taylor told the Prison Service that until Julie's head and limbs were found, and she got the proper burial she deserved, he could not rest