ALL general practitioners in County Durham and Darlington and their practice staff are to be given desktop access to modern technology, including the Internet.

Every GP, practice nurse and practice manager will have a computer on their desk, which they can use to access health care information and to communicate directly with local hospitals and other health care providers locally and nationally.

These developments mean that patients will benefit from faster communications between health care providers, including online appointment booking, and electronic clinical messaging.

During the next year, the Health Authority and Primary Care Groups in County Durham and Darlington are investing £870,000 in this major strategic development.

Darlington GP Dr David Russell said: "These developments will bring many benefits to patients as well as making our lives easier.

"The ability to communicate directly with the hospital by e-mail will allow much easier access to results of various investigations as well as being able to make appointments for the patient directly.

"With a wealth of health information accessible on the Internet, this can only be of immense benefit to us all."