A SMALL branch of the Royal British Legion is to benefit from a sponsored walk.

The walk, on Sunday, will raise money for the Boosbeck and District Royal British Legion branch and the Poppy Appeal.

It was the idea of branch vice-president Dr Neil Brownlee, who will join the walk, along with Dr Peter Lavelle, community psychiatric nurse Brian Symons and other colleagues from Skelton Health Centre.

Poppy Appeal organiser Marjorie Smith said: "We are one of the smaller branches of the Royal British Legion, with only 18 members, so we really appreciate this superb gesture.

"We are also extremely fortunate to live in a community where so many people care sincerely for what the Royal British Legion stands for and the work we do.

"We would like to say a big thank you to all the helpers, patients and friends who have supported us already and contributed towards this Millennium walk."

Anyone who would like to make a donation is asked to call (01287) 650848 or (01287) 651242.