A REDUNDANT cabinetmaker has set up his own business with the help of his former employers.

Alan Heron is now owner and manager of Alan Heron Ltd, a company that specialises in the manufacturing of cabinets, consoles and desks for broadcasting equipment.

The 42-year-old thought that he had seen his specialist skills bite the dust after 14 years working with Canford Audio in Washington. However, with the support of Tyneside Economic Development Company (TEDCO) and a former executive at Canford, Alan has launched his own firm.

Canford Audio had decided that its woodworking business was no longer profitable enough. But the firm said it would act as a sales and distribution channel if Alan decided to set up an independent manufacturing business.

At the same time, TEDCO chief executive Doug Scott approached Canford to discuss a new initiative, the Business Brokerage Project. This involves TEDCO working closely with larger companies in the in the region to identify new commercial opportunities that can be profitably developed independently.

A business plan was generated, premises found, and finance raised from one of Canford's major individual shareholders to start Alan Heron Ltd.

"At first it felt as if I was being pushed into the process of starting a new enterprise, but now it seems like the most natural progression for me," said Alan.

"The arrangement works well for both parties, in that we are still providing Canford with their woodwork products, but this way there is scope for me to pursue other specialist cabinetmaking business."

Alan has hired another former colleague and created two jobs. He is based at the St. Andrew's Church building in Hebburn.