CRITICISM about 'jaunts abroad' have been taken to heart by Redcar and Cleveland councillors.

There will be no trip to Washington DC by public representatives of Saltburn if the resort wins through to the final of the Nations in Bloom contest.

The authority was criticised when Saltburn's floral expertise won it a place in the finals in the Middle East two years ago, and a councillor and an official flew out to attend. Similar provision was made last year when the town repeated its success and the finals were held in Japan.

This year, if Saltburn completes a hat trick in the US, the authority will not spend about £1,000 to go.

Criticism came in the wake of cuts in spending on local services, despite the huge publicity the contest attracted for the borough.

The council executive has agreed to give officer time to help with the bid, but not to attend the contest final.

Saltburn community stalwart, Jackie Taylor, who paid her own way to both previous finals, said: "We are extremely grateful to the council for allowing us officer time. It will help us get a bid together."

She said volunteers were working on a video about Saltburn with help from Teesside Tertiary College students. A local garage is providing petrol to help students with travelling expenses, and more sponsorship is sought.

"Even if we don't get through, we will still have the video for tourism purposes," said Miss Taylor.