DARING dippers who braved the North Sea off Redcar on Boxing Day have raised more than £5,000 for charity, but many have still to hand over their sponsorship money.

The Lions Club has paid £3,093 to charities selected by the swimmers, including Age Concern, the Butterwick Children's Hospice and the British Heart Foundation.

A cheque for a further £2,222 has been presented to Leukaemia Research, the charity supported by the Lions club during the dip.

Among those who helped raise the money are the 14th Darlington Scouts and the 8th Redcar Scouts, who were the top fund-raising youth group.

A spokesman for the Lions said: "Although more than £5,300 has been donated to charity, it is disappointing to note that more than £1,800 has not been received from more than 40 dippers.

"The question has to be asked 'where has that money gone?' If the money is found it can still be paid to Middlesbrough Teesside Lions Club who will use it in their general charity fund."