WORSHIPPERS turned the tables on their vicar yesterday by organising a surprise service to say "thank you".

The congregation of Woodhouse Close Church, in Bishop Auckland, paid tribute to the Reverend Vince Fenton's leadership and pastoral support.

They all wore specially printed "thank you" badges and decorated the church with balloons and banners.

Linda Dodds, lay reader in training, coordinated the event for a national Clergy Appreciation Week, which is being celebrated in churches around the country.

Lay worker Jane Armstrong said yesterday: "Some people think clergy only work on Sundays, but so much goes on behind the scenes. They are on call whenever they are needed, support us through the good times and the bad, and need to be a Jack of all trades.

"One minute they could be dealing with a parent and toddler group and the next with a major building refurbishment.

"We though it was about time to say a public "thank you", not just to Vince but also to his family as well.

Clergy Appreciation Week has been initiated by the national charity Care for the Family.

As well as events organised by local churches, an awards lunch is being held in London to honour 12 church leaders who have been nominated by their congregations.