LEADING figures from the Roman Catholic Church and laity in the North-East came together at the weekend to discuss working to benefit the community.

Working for the Common Good, held at Ushaw College seminary, near Durham, was organised by the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese of the RC Church as a follow-on to a national conference portraying the good work of people in public office, in Liverpool last summer.

Saturday's day-long event was given backing from leading world figures, with messages of support from Pope John Paul II and Prime Minister Tony Blair, both read out at the start of proceedings.

Speakers from various walks of life in the North-East discussed how they are trying to help the community. Delegates split into workshop groups to discuss each of the presentations and how the common good is seen in action in the community.

North-East Euro-MP, Stephen Hughes, spoke on the theme, Building a good and caring society, while other speakers included former Northumbria Police superintendent Stephanie Yearnshire.

The Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, the Right Reverend Ambrose Griffiths, who welcomed the 200-conference-goers at the start of the day, celebrated mass to bring formal proceedings to an end.

Following dinner, most delegates rounded off the day relaxing in the college bar, taking in the TV screening of England's Euro 2000 victory over Germany.

Alan Coultas, of St Augustine's Church in Darlington, who chaired the conference planning group, said the feedback from the day was "excellent" and everyone left with much food for thought.

"It was a marvellous event, very much a keynote event for the diocese," said Mr Coultas, the former chief executive of the Darlington Business Venture.