An art student has come up with a poster campaign that will be used in Civil Service offices across the country.

Designs by Jonathan Scaife, 17, of Darlington, which aim to encourage Civil Service staff to cut waste, were chosen from those produced by 24 art and design students from Darlington College of Technology.

The competition was organised by the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE), which has several offices in Darlington.

Second in the competition was 16-year-old Daniel Oselton, of Richmond, and third was Robert Taylor, 17, of Catterick.

Their designs will also be used in the department's campaign.

Course tutor Lucy Maddren said that Jonathan used images of paper and recycle bins in his designs.

"The slogan and design is certainly eye-catching and helps drive the message home. The client was very impressed with the overall standard and delighted with the winning entry," she said.

"We were delighted when the DfEE chose us to produce their campaign to encourage civil servants to 'reduce, repair, re-use and recycle'."

Jonathan's work and that of more than 200 other art and design students will be on display this week at the college's annual summer exhibition. Entry to the exhibition is free on Wednesday and Thursday, between 9am and 8pm, and Friday, from 9am to noon.