A DESIGN marketing student at the University of Teesside has designed an educational awareness campaign to warn children of the dangers of being too thin.

Vanessa Marshall, 20, of Heighington, County Durham, said: "It's no small wonder that impressionable youngsters think that thin is 'in', with the all too frequent emaciated images of supermodels, film and pop stars everywhere you look.

"My research indicates eating disorders are one of the biggest teenage problems. Children are unaware there may be long-term psychological effects associated with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia."

Vanessa's campaign aims to change people's attitudes towards eating disorders, linking the problem with low self-esteem.

This will involve posters and leaflets for students, parents and teachers. The campaign will feature in the Design Degree Show, at the University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, from today until Wednesday, from 9am to 5pm.