A £700,000 programme to replace obsolete heating systems in homes across Hartlepool has been approved by councillors.

The neighbourhood services board of Hartlepool Borough Council agreed to commit £175,000 a year for four years to replace ageing back boilers in 191 properties with full central heating systems.

The properties are in the Chester Road, Throston, Seaton Lane, Rift House, Greatham and Oxford Road areas of the town.

Systems will be replaced on a worst-first basis, and work is to begin during this financial year.

Colin Wilson, assistant director (development) of neighbourhood services, said: "The appliances, if nothing is done, will get progressively harder and more costly to repair until the point is reached when they will fail completely and cannot be replaced."

In addition to the boiler replacements approved at the meeting, the two Single Regeneration Budget schemes running in the town, the North Hartlepool Partnership and the Owton Rossmere Partnership, will fund the replacement of obsolete boilers in a number of homes falling within their boundaries.