A HOUSING chief has praised a council's vision of setting up a scheme to build affordable new homes.

Durham City Council formed the Durham Housing Partnership to provide social rented housing two years ago.

The scheme has developed several sites in and around the city with more in the pipeline.

The first residents have moved into the latest development, nine two-bedroomed bungalows at Lund Court, Framwellgate Moor.

The homes cost £328,000 and were built by the Three Rivers Housing Group with a grant from the Housing Association. Durham City Council donated the land.

Clare Hepworth, chairwoman of the Three Rivers Housing Groups, said: "Durham City Council should be commended for their visionary approach to developments such as Lund Court.

"The support that they provide to housing developers, such as Three Rivers, enables us to transform once previously-neglected areas into pleasant communities to live."

Mary and William Groom, who used to live at Newton Hall, were welcomed to their new bungalow by the council's Labour leader, Councillor Maurice Crathorne.

Mrs Groom said: "We've settled in really well and we're so happy with our new home."

Coun Crathorne, who is also a director of the partnership, said: "It's hard to imagine that this was once rough land with some council garages in a poor state of repair on it. I'm glad that the work of the Durham Housing Partnership has been able to make such an improvement to communities around Durham."