NORTH-EAST car plant boss John Cushnaghan will today tell a Commons select committee of his belief that early British entry to the euro will provide a boost to British industry.

Nissan's Sunderland factory managing director has been invited to give evidence in front of the influential treasury select committee, which is discussing European monetary union (EMU).

Mr Cushnaghan has spoken out frequently of the threat posed to future inward investment at the site in the light of the strong pound, and he will repeat that view to the committee of MPs.

A spokeswoman for Nissan said: "Mr Cushnaghan has been invited to give evidence to a treasury select committee on economic monetary union.

"Mr Cushnaghan has strong views on the subject and he will be reiterating those views he has expressed in the past on the issue."

Only last month Nissan played host at the launch of North-East in Europe - the first regional division of Britain in Europe.

Among those backing the call for greater integration in Europe was former Conservative cabinet minister and vice-president of the European Commission, Lord Brittan.

In a cross-party campaign he was joined by ex-North-East Labour MEP Alan Donnelly and former SDP MP Sir Ian Wrigglesworth in urging a pro-European stance, and asking fellow North-Easterners to join their ranks.

The group will be campaigning across the region to highlight the benefits the country receives from its place in Europe, and the dangers of exclusion for jobs and prosperity.