VILLAGERS are turning their high street into a floral paradise in an attempt to win a competition.

Residents and businesses in Norton, near Stockton, have formed a group to tidy the image of their village, in a bid to win the Northumbria in Bloom competition.

The group, which has called itself Take Pride in Your Village, has so far transformed beer barrels into flower tubs, cleaned the duck pond and spruced up the mini-roundabout near the duck pond.

Jennifer Pinder, a member of the group, said: "It is great to see people taking pride in the area. For a while, it has looked like it has needed a bit of attention, and now it is being given it.

"The whole thing is starting to take shape and it is looking really, really pretty."

It is the first time the group has entered the competition, which will be judged on July 2, and members are looking forward to it.

Ms Pinder said: "It has been hard work, but very worthwhile now that it is coming together.

"Everybody has been very supportive. It is very much a community-based thing."

Anybody interested in joining the group should call Ms Pinder on (01642) 881011.