WE live in impressionable times, and all too often the media under-estimates the influence it has over so many people.

Young women face particular pressures in an age where appearance is perceived as counting for so much.

While it is imperative to promote healthy living, things can be taken to extremes.

All forms of the media share responsibility for the excessive importance placed on beauty and looks. But the fashion magazine industry, in particular, must shoulder a greater degree of responsibility.

These magazines' portrayal of unhealthily thin women influences readers. Their images may not be the only influences which lead young people into eating disorders, but they are undoubtedly contributory factors.

It is pleasing, therefore, to see these magazines recognise the responsible position they hold in modern society.

The voluntary code to ban adverts using images of over-thin women is long overdue, but nonetheless welcome.

As is the pledge to monitor TV programmes to ensure a diverse range of women appear on screen.

It is somewhat strange to see such refreshingly responsible and common sense attitudes dismissed as "political correctness gone mad".

If a voluntary code helps save one young person from the tragedy of an eating disorder then the whole exercise will have been worthwhile.

Sad farewell

IT was sad to see Alan Shearer's international career come to such a disappointing end in an abject team performance against Romania.

Increasingly, his automatic selection to lead England's forward line has been called into question.

But his overall record will stand the test of time, and confirm him as one of the finest players to pull on England's No 9 shirt. He always saw it as the ultimate honour to play for and captain his country.

While there may always be debate over the level of his greatness, no one can ever doubt his whole-hearted commitment to the English cause.

And he is to be admired for having the courage to decide for himself when to leave the international stage.

It was a pity he could not have made his exit with success in the Euro 2000 tournament.

He will be a hard act to follow.