THE Northern Echo - named last month as North-East Newspaper of the Year - won another prestigious award last night.

The Great Daily of the North was named Daily Newspaper of the Year in the Newsquest Awards in Bradford.

Newsquest, The Northern Echo's parent company, owns nearly 300 newspapers around the country.

The winning citation read: "The Northern Echo is sure-footed, consistent and well-designed. All the judges said: 'If we lived there, we'd buy it.' With solid news values and good pictures, well used, The Northern Echo edged it in all areas."

Health Correspondent Barry Nelson was named Reporter of the Year for his work on "A Chance To Live" - the paper's campaign to reduce heart bypass waiting times.

The judges said: "The Northern Echo's campaign was cohesive, well-written and readable - Nelson is a specialist reporter with an ability to broaden his appeal."

Ian Lamming was named runner-up for a strong portfolio of work encompassing many different subjects.

Mike Amos, who is recovering from an operation, was shortlisted in the Sportswriter of the Year category and Chris Moran was shortlisted for the Graphic Artist of the Year awards.

The Northern Echo's on-line service 'Thisisthenortheast' was shortlisted for the Website of the Year award.

Last month, the paper swept the boards in the North-East Press Awards, being praised for its bold, campaigning journalism.

Peter Barron, Editor of The Northern Echo, said: "Newsquest is the biggest newspaper group in England, possessing some of the country's finest provincial newspapers.

"To be judged to be top of the pile is a great honour."