YOUNG people who have made a contribution to their community are to be recognised for their efforts at an annual ceremony.

The Positive Young People Awards, formerly the Youth Achievement Awards, were started in 1994 by Darlington's Community Education Service.

Nominations are invited from schools, youth projects or individuals.

There is no judging, or categories, and all the organisers ask is that the young person has made a significant effort or contribution.

The young people are nominated for a variety of reasons, including overcoming personal health problems, helping disabled young people or helping to organise crime reduction initiatives.

This year's awards ceremony will be on Friday, November 17, at Darlington College, in Cleveland Avenue, Darlington.

Nomination forms are available from Marj Newman, at the Community Education Service, Education Department, Darlington Borough Council, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT.

For more details telephone (01325) 388849.