ONE of the region's winners of the teaching Oscars was given a warm welcome back at school yesterday.

Returning to work after receiving her award as Classroom Assistant of the Year in the Teaching Awards 2000, Denise Murray, of Beaumont Hill Special School, in Darlington, was asked by pupils: "You didn't really cry, did you?"

The special support assistant was welcomed by her tutor group of 11 and 12 year olds, who were delighted with her achievement.

One pupil, Sarah Theaker, 12, said she was glad Denise had won.

She said: "We are all very, very proud of her. She deserves the award.

"Denise is brilliant. She is very nice and she is very kind."

Another member of her tutor group, Wayne Smith, said: "Denise really talks to us and she is always laughing and smiling."

Colleagues were just as thrilled with the achievement. Cards and hugs greeting her as she walked into work yesterday after receiving her award at a ceremony held in Newcastle Civic Centre on Monday.

Denise said: "It's a shame that it was not a shared award. Any one of the classroom assistants here could have won it because we have such a strong staff.

"Everyone has been fantastic about it. It's been overwhelming.

"The children have wanted to know every little detail about the ceremony, and they all wanted to see the award. Luckily I took it into school so they could see it."

In the judging panel's reasons for giving Denise the award, it was said: "One parent spoke passionately about her dedication to the children in her care.

"She said: 'Nothing appears to be too much trouble for her. She provided transport for six disabled children so that my son could have his friends at his birthday party. My eyes still fill when I think of that gesture'."